Super Mario Brothers Bathroom


Look at what some nerd did to his bathroom- Super Mariocizing it up with a custom paint job. Anyone know a plumber?

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Star Size Comparison HD Video

Star Size Comparison HD Video

This interesting HD video shows you a size comparison of the various planets and celestial bodies starting with our own moon and moving on through various stars until we reach VY Canis Majoris (the largest known star in the universe). The largest star is so big that it would take a standard …

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Chewbacca and an Ewok dance to Guns n’ Roses

Chewbacca and an Ewok dance to Guns n’ Roses

Rock on Chewy. The Slash-haired Ewok is awesome. I spy some Jawas playing Storm Trooper helmet drumsets too. Chewbacca’s got some serious moves, who knew?

What Happens If You Get into a Car Accident with a 6 Gallon Bucket of Paint in the Backseat

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This is the reason why you should always put your buckets of paint in the trunk, people. A South African car was carrying a 25 liter bucket of paint (about 6.5 gallons) when it hit another car head on. The occupants appear to be ok (except for the fact that they are completely …

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New York City Skyline Created with Staples

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Artist Tofi Stoler created this fantastic model of the downtown Manhattan skyline using staples. Cool stuff! (images credit)