When a road in Sumter, SC flooded, most cars smartly pulled off the to side and tried to find a way around the submerged roadway. Not this tractor trailer, he decided to plow right through it. How deep was the water? Only way to find out is to drive into it, right?
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Leave it to Japan to take bicycle parking to the next level. And by next level we mean multiple levels. Underground levels. This automated bike parking system looks straight out of the Matrix. Except with more emotion than Keanu Reeves- zing!
Someone had the great idea to name their horse in pirate talk, “arrrrr”. Did that phase the horse racing announcer even one little bit? Absolutely not- watch and listen to this race, especially as the horses head down the home stretch for horse race calling at the utmost level of professionalism:
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I’ve had a few close calls in my day but nothing that even comes anywhere near this compilation of awesome close calls. Phew, that was a close one. And nobody got hurt! (well at least not too hurt, anyway)
Combine 500,000 LEGO pieces and some air? A working LEGO car. Powered by compressed air (we think) and hundreds of tiny LEGO pistons, this full size car actually drives and steers. The wheels appear to be regular rubber tires instead of less-than-round LEGO brick tires but we’ll let that slide. I hope this is …
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THIS is how you deliver bundles of Christmas trees into waiting delivery trucks. Insanely skilled helicopter pilot has mastered the forces of inertia.
Apparently when the zombie apocalypse does arrive (any day now my friends, any day) and we all have to live off of canned foods, we won’t have to worry about using can openers. All you need is a piece of jagged concrete and some willpower and you can open any can, apparently. …
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Usually when a vehicle crashes and explodes you’ll see maybe one huge fireball of an explosion (and by usually we mean, we’ve never seen it except in the movies). Or maybe two, a small one and then a huge one where our action hero dives out of the way just in time …
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Snowed in? Why pay for electricity to cool off your beverages when the bounties of nature provide everything you could ever need (well maybe not the beer). That’s what I call being opportunistic and living off the land. Ingenious. If I did this, I would never leave the house- and not only because …
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No matter how many times you watch this incredible feat of perfect timing you just want to yell out to the kid, “no, no, no, stop”. But alas every single time he gets whomped on the head with the basketball thrown from full court. And I still laugh every time. The look on the …
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